Summit Internacional W20 2024
Chegou a hora de assistir ao evento do Summit Internacional W20 2024 realizado no dia 01/10/2024 no Theatro Municipal do Rio de Janeiro. Veja na íntegra (parte 1 e parte

There can be no sustainable future without gender equity
Author: Janaina Gama, Co-head of the W20 Brazilian Delegation The motto of the G20 under Brazil’s presidency in 2024 is “building a fair and sustainable world.” And how can we

Inception Meeting
On February 5, 2024, our Delegation held a Women 20 Brazil 2024 meeting with the participation of 80 delegates from countries participating in the W20. Our co–head, Janaína Gama, presented the

W20 Handover meeting
We officially held the handover of the W20, G20‘s engagement group, received leadership from India, and we are ready to embrace the enormous responsibility of continuing the inspiring work done

About W20
Brazil leads for the first time, in 2024, the G20 economic forum, which brings together the 19 largest economies in the world, as well as the European Union and South