W20 Brazil
W20 - G20 Women's Engagement Group
Read the Communiqué 2024

October 1, 2024
08:30 AM to 07:00 PM
Theatro Municipal do Rio de Janeiro
Praça Floriano S/N - Centro
1º de Outubro de 2024
8h30 às 19h00
Theatro Municipal do Rio de JaneiroPraça Floriano - Centro
News & Updates
B20 and W20 Event – Brasília Women and foreign trade April 2024 to be confirmed, stay tuned for upcoming events
Chair W20
Ana Fontes
About Us
Women 20, better known by the acronym W20, is one of the G20’s independent engagement groups (G20 Social) focused on promoting gender equity and women’s economic empowerment. It was established during Australia’s presidency in 2014, Brazil has participated since 2017, and, like all other engagement groups, aims to recommend policies and commitments to the leadership of G20 countries.
Each year, the W-20 prepares a document with key areas and recommendations known as a “Communique”, delivering it to each country leader’s designated representative person (Sherpa) and advocating for the inclusion of these recommendations in the final G20 declaration.
W20 brings together experts on various topics, from G20 countries, working in the majority of civil society and segments such as startups, universities and social businesses. During the preparation of Communique, delegations are divided into working groups that analyze themes, success stories of policies and actions and prepare suggestions. The country responsible for the presidency nominates one of the people to lead the working groups and can invite experts to participate.
In addition to the work of delegations, the country promotes national dialogues with representatives of civil society organizations and government bodies that aim to promote women’s rights. All of this production is announced at an in-person event (Summit), which includes the participation of international organizations and companies collaborating with content curation or sponsorship.
About G20
Main forum for international economic cooperation that brings together 19 countries and the European Union. Each year one of the countries assumes the presidency, to reach the annual declaration of commitments, the forum’s governance has 3 tracks . Engagement groups are one of these tracks and feed both the track of government representatives’ working groups and the government’s working groups on finance.
In 2023, India led the bloc that included the African Union (AU) in the group and in 2024 Brazil will be responsible for presiding over the forum and the respective working groups and engagement groups. Some of the other engagement groups are: B20 (business), C20 (civil society), L20 (work), S20 (science), T20 (think tank), Y20 (youth) and Startups20.
W20 Brazil

Estatísticas e avanços em equidade de gênero | Statistics and advancements in gender equity
Apresentamos um relatório elaborado pelo W20 Brazil em parceria com a ONU Mulheres, disponível nas versões português e inglês. Esses documentos foram desenvolvidos com o propósito de subsidiar a sessão realizada em

W20 Brazil Handbook 2024
“As Brazil assumed the presidency of the G20 in 2024, the W20 Brazil Delegation was honored to lead an agenda focused on advancing gender equality and women’s economic empowerment. Our

Exemplos de Melhores Práticas W20 2024
Este relatório, “Exemplos de Melhores Práticas,” foi elaborado para fornecer um conjunto abrangente de diretrizes voltadas para o avanço da igualdade de gênero e o empoderamento econômico das mulheres. O

Reflexões sobre a Declaração do G20 2024
Reflexões sobre a Declaração do G20 2024 Considerando o atual contexto geopolítico complexo e desafiador, o W20 Brasil aplaude a inclusão de um item especialmente dedicado à igualdade de

Summit Internacional W20 2024
Chegou a hora de assistir ao evento do Summit Internacional W20 2024 realizado no dia 01/10/2024 no Theatro Municipal do Rio de Janeiro. Veja na íntegra (parte 1 e parte

Communiqué – Português
W20 Comunicado 2024 Women 20 2024 convoca a liderança do G20 a: Implementar ações para alcançar o empoderamento econômico das mulheres e os compromissos de igualdade de gênero acordados nas